In honour of NaNoWriMo, let’s also make November the month of the notebook & pen swap! Keep the art of handwriting alive!
I have drawers of notebooks and pens, no lie. And I know lots of you love collecting these too. So why don’t we get in the writerly winterly spirit and go looking for a notebook & pen for someone else, while someone does the same for us? Who knows, you may get a pen pal, writing buddy or even some inspiration out of it.
Here are the rules:
You must sign up by November 1.
I will be in touch soon after.
Your swap must be around $20 CAD (or equivalent) at the most.
You must send your package by November 30.
Sorry – please do not create a notebook.
The notebook & pen are not to be used previously. No marks, full ink, etc.
Please use the tag #notebookpenswap if posting about it!
Your information will be kept private with me and your assigned swap.
Depending on the amount of response, you may either swap with the same person or not. (Either Molly sends to Jim and vice versa, or Jim then sends to Emily.)
I will try to match you with someone in the same country/continent as you to minimize postage.
Happy swapping!
If you have any questions, send me an email:
why nooooooooot 🙂