A look back on the 2017 Notebook & Pen Swap

A few months ago, I started the 2017 round of The Notebook & Pen Swap – which is quite literal in its name – and I think now we’re in pretty good shape to be able to show off our wares!

Over 80 people all over the globe signed up to be matched with someone to send each other a notebook and pen. With a little form filling out of preferences, they were good to go. I then matched everyone and sat back to enjoy seeing what they would make of it! It was so fun to scroll through the hashtags #notebookpenswap and #notebookandpenswap (yes I forgot my own hashtag and told people to use the wrong one) to see the gorgeous wrapping jobs and how above and beyond people go for their partners.

Check after the jump to see all the pretty photos of swaps!

This is what I put together for my partner Yas:

paper trail diary notebook and pen swap

And this is the amazing package she gave me:

paper trail diary notebook and pen swap

Amazing, right? And that’s just one! Check out what others did:

Just received my #notebookpenswap parcel! Even the tissue paper wrapping is divine!

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While every swap inevitably has its flakes, I also received plenty of angel sign-ups, so thank you angels for extending your kindness when others can’t follow through.

I’m so happy to run this swap, though for now it’ll remain as a yearly thing, so make sure to stay tuned next summer for the next round 😉 But coming up soon will be the next round of the Book Lover Postcard Swap!

One comment

  1. iHanna says:

    It was fun being part of your swap, so a huge thank you for hosting it! Since I host a big swap myself on my blog I know how much work it is too, and appreciate this a lot.

    Wishing you a great day!

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